New records achieved in 2020

Year 2020 will go down in world history with the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic, subsequent logistics issues and forced downtime for many businesses. However, despite all the difficulties, the operation of SIA Kurekss has been more than successful.

Not only the production plan has been met, but a number of new records have been set. In sawmill 226 000m3 of sawn timber were produced, exceeding 220 000m3 threshold for the third year in a row. 220 000m3 threshold was exceeded for the first time in kilning unit, while in dry sorting plant 220 682m3 of sorted timber were produced. 6423m3 were finger jointed, in planing mills 130 870m3 of decking, carcassing, paneling, cladding, laths and other products were produced, but treatment plants processed 91 854m3 of the produced goods.

At the end of the year 2 extensive reconstruction projects, which required cease of production in Planing mill No. 2 and sawmill, were carried out.

Main markets of the year were: Belgium, China, Egypt, France, Germany, South Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, The Netherlands, United Kingdom and export market – USA was added in the customer list. In total 216 389m3 were sold, thus reaching a new turnover record.